Thursday, May 24, 2007


It has been some time since I last wrote and so much has occurred. Between packing up life in Victoria, heading to Vancouver to run the marathon, flying to China, starting to get settled and flying between Hangzhou and Beijing life has kept me hopping.

The Vancouver Marathon was a challenge for a number of reasons - though I had aimed to try for Boston Marathon qualifying time there were some obstacles in training in the last few weeks and so this became unobtainable. I was doing well running at under 4hrs which was still good, but by the time I reached the 30k marker the drive to push was dissipating.

It was then that I met Charlotte from Seattle. She was struggling with an injury and was weary of finishing so we made a pact to get her to the end. It was so very worth the journey. Yes, it could have been done faster - but the memory would not be as rich as it now is. And, in the end, we got the t-shirt - haha. I wish I had better pictures to share, but these are the best I can do ...

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