Friday, January 05, 2007

2007 Underway with Thanks

So, I had some plans. The plan to start writing this on day 1 and stick with it. To find something to take a picture of everyday. To put together a scrap book. To be proactive and avoid procrastination. To keep to my running schedule starting on the predetermined date of Jan. 3rd. To watch my food intake in terms of eating healthy foods. To Yup...I had plans. I didn't have resolutions - just plans.

Of all the plans, plans number 5 and 6 are the only one that have actually been put into action. The runs were good. A bit slow, but it is the start. The healthy food intake started well with a visit to supermarket for salads, salads, and salads. I have cut out caffeine completely and have a bit of a headache, but am working to stock up on water. I find my concentration level is a bit off and so other aspects of what I was hoping to focus on are falling by the wayside. I hope this is temporary.

I have several challenges in this new year. Challenges in terms of choices. The great part is that I have choice so I certainly can't feel bad about that. I found out that my SSHRC scholarship application didn't make it out of the school and that was a bit frustrating. But my Trudeau Scholarship application was forwarded to the national level - if I can get to the interview stage at least then I will feel that I wrote well.

The balance between wanting to do research and having the economics to do it is always one of the greatest challenges. I do have the opportunity to return to work in Hangzhou, but then I have the chance to study in Beijing. I can't do the latter if I do not have the funds - what to do?

So, as we continue to move through this new year I express thanks at all the things that are wonderful, healthy and happy in my life and seek the courage to handle the bumps that are inevitably intertwined in life.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference (all with thanks).

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